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Meet Akane, our Monash Online student adviser

We caught up with student adviser Akane to learn about her role, how she supports students and what she enjoys most about her role.  

What does your role as a student adviser involve? 

My role as a student adviser is to make sure our students feel supported and well-equipped as they navigate their online learning, from enrollment right through to graduation.  

My role ranges from finalising enrolment steps and developing study plans with students to troubleshooting software issues and offering general academic advice. We’re here to offer the right information and tools to empower our students in their online learning experience. 

What’s the most rewarding part of your job?  

The best part of my job is that I get to help people who are taking a huge step to reach their goals, whether that be transitioning into a new career, following a passion or both!  

Our students come to us with various life experiences and reasons for returning to study, and I feel genuinely proud that we get to support them in their journeys. I’m also very fortunate to be working with a brilliant team of individuals who work together with a similar vision in mind. 

What tips do you have for new students starting online study at Monash? 

First of all, congratulations and welcome! It’s an exciting time for many, but I think it’s important to acknowledge that, for some, it can feel a little daunting. It takes courage to make the leap to studying entirely online.  

For our new students, my top tip would be to make the most of week 0. This is when your unit becomes available on Moodle for you to preview learning materials, view the unit overview and check IT requirements.  

Have a look and give us a call if you’re feeling unsure about anything. As you progress in your studies, check in with your peers and even set up virtual hangouts/study groups. Lastly, keep an eye on your emails to stay on top of important announcements and updates. 

To learn more about the support available throughout your online studies with Monash, visit our Support page, or contact our course consultants on 1300 272 509. 
