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Understand the roles and skills of a psychologist

What does a psychologist do?

Read about what psychologists really do, the treatments and the career paths.

If you’ve always been curious about why people think, behave, learn and feel the way they do, you might have a natural affinity for psychology. But maybe you have hesitated to pursue a career in this field because you weren’t quite sure what it would involve. If you’re considering turning your curiosity into a career, this guide will help you understand what a psychologist does and whether this career is​​ the right fit for you.  

What is psychology?

The Australian Psychological Society (APS), the leading professional body for psychology in Australia, defines psychology as ‘both a science and a profession’. This means that psychology goes beyond studying the human brain and behaviour – it applies this knowledge in practical ways to improve the lives of individuals and communities.  

For aspiring psychologists, this field offers the opportunity to make a positive impact on mental health and well-being, learning, relationships, performance, and the cohesion of society.  

What does a psychologist do?

What do psychologists do?

The work that psychologists undertake often involves assessing, diagnosing, and treating mental health conditions. Whether addressing mental health conditions like depression or anxiety or helping people cope with ​​issues such as bereavement or workplace bullying, psychologists use a variety of evidence-based assessments and interventions to effectively respond to the unique needs of each client. 

What types of interventions do psychologists use?

Therapy is the most common form of treatment provided by psychologists, involving the development of a therapeutic relationship between the psychologist and the client. This relationship is built on a foundation of open communication, empathy and respect, where the psychologist remains neutral, nonjudgmental, and objective.  

If you decide to pursue studies in psychology, you’ll explore various therapeutic approaches used by psychologists, including behavioural, cognitive, and person-centred ​​therapies. Additionally, psychologists are trained to collaborate with primary care practitioners and allied health professionals when their clients require a combination of therapy and other treatments (e.g. medication) to address their mental health conditions.  

Career in Psychology at Monash

What are the different types of psychologists?

There are a number of psychology specialisations you can choose from, and we’ve shared just six of them ​​here in this other article. For a more comprehensive list of different types of psychologists, you can also visit the ​​APS website

What do I need to study to become a psychologist?

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) works in partnership with the Psychology Board of Australia (PBA) to implement registration requirements for psychologists and provisional psychologists. To become a registered practising psychologist in Australia, you need to complete a minimum six-year sequence of study in psychology (followed by continuing professional development). Your studies must be accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC)

There are several pathways to registration, but if you didn’t take the traditional pathway and do not have an undergraduate qualification in psychology, then the first place to start is with an APAC-accredited equivalent postgraduate degree, such as Monash University’s 100% online Graduate Diploma in Psychology. This qualification ​is recognised​ as equivalent to an undergraduate degree in psychology, allowing you to continue your journey without starting from scratch.  

You must then complete an APAC-accredited fourth year of study, either through a Graduate Diploma of Psychology Advanced or an Honours degree​​.   

After completing your fourth year of study, you are eligible to seek provisional registration as a psychologist with ​​AHPRA. Your fourth year is followed by two additional pathways you can choose from which lead to general registration as a psychologist, including the ​​5+1 pathway or the Postgraduate professional psychology pathway. Once you are registered, ongoing professional development and learning is required to maintain your registration. 

Learn more about studying psychology online at Monash by calling a course consultant today on 1300 272 509 or arrange an online booking.

I chose to study the GDP at Monash because I think as a graduate, all components of this degree seemed intentional – I could clearly see how each of the units would build on each other and give me the foundational knowledge I need to pursue further study in Psychology. It was also clear that I’d be very well supported – both through instructors and online support advisors. I think the multiple forms of support GDP students receive is what potentially sets this course apart from others.

Charlotte Barber,