Enterprise analytics
Unit Code: LEO5104
Duration: 6 weeks
Contact Hours: 20-24 hours of study per week
Credit Points: 6
The modern organisation generates a significant amount of data that is used to enhance decision making and improve ESG (environmental, social, governance) performance. Implementing analytics across an enterprise should establish a data-driven environment using the right tools and platforms to convert data into meaningful information for the right end users.
This unit explores how contemporary business intelligence, data analytics and reporting capabilities (e.g., Excel, Power BI, Tableau) can be used effectively to communicate actionable insights to stakeholders. You will consider the strategic and technical considerations of designing, delivering and utilising a successful enterprise analytics solution for today’s global challenges.
Learning Objectives
- Demonstrate an understanding of the strategies and challenges of implementing an enterprise analytics solution
- Recognise the types of data analytics in an organisation and how these can inform decision making and address business problems
- Develop and understand data storytelling skills combined with analytical resources to foster a data-driven enterprise
- Identify and critically evaluate the frameworks, tools and applications that can be used in an enterprise setting to deliver actionable reporting and insights.