Meet a Monash online learning adviser
Your online learning advisers (OLAs) will help expand your horizons by guiding you through your course material and providing valuable industry insights. They are subject-matter experts who will set the stage for your career success when you step back into the workforce with a new Monash qualification.
Meet Joanne, a Monash online learning adviser who has been teaching at Monash University for more than 17 years. Joanne specialises in marketing and has a wealth of professional experience – consulting for organisations across many industries, both in Australia and internationally.
Can you describe your role as an OLA?
I deliver online course content to my students in engaging formats, facilitate different types of learning activities, help prepare students for assessments and provide feedback for them.
“I have a true appreciation of the challenges and rewards of online study.”
As well as all this, I see my core role as an OLA to support my students in achieving their goals. This can be as simple as sending an encouraging email when students need it, to developing assignment guides, podcasts and other study resources so students can optimise their learning styles.

“I have a true appreciation of the challenges and rewards of online study.”
Monash online learning adviser

What are the main areas of support you provide?
I teach postgraduate courses, so it’s very important I know my students have a grasp on their time-management skills. Many of the students I teach are juggling full-time work, family and social commitments alongside their studies, which can lead to a very rigorous workload. I also respond to students’ queries and concerns with coursework on a frequent basis to provide real-time support.
I focus on maximising my students’ limited study time by optimising the online content I provide. This can be simple, like using hyperlinks to save students time when searching for information, or more involved processes, like adding detailed Q&As on different topics implementing student polls to inform webinar subjects, and providing students with the support they most need.
What is your favourite aspect of your role?
I love the flexibility of my role. Working online has enabled me to work from anywhere in the world and support my students during their courses at any time. I also enjoy working with such a diverse range of students and the passionate and professional staff at Monash, both of whom I still continue to learn from.
What are some of the challenges of being an OLA, and how do you overcome these?
The biggest challenge for me is that being online, you are always available. I studied my Master of Business (Marketing) online with Monash some time ago while working full-time, so I understand that everyone studies at a different pace depending on their schedule. I set clear expectations with students of my availability at the start of each teaching period so they know when I can provide support.
Is there a student experience that stands out to you?
I’ve had many positive student experiences over the years. One that stands out to me is when I ended up working with a former student who I’d taught in several online units. They were an exceptional co-worker back then and they still are now in their current workplace. It gives me a great sense of personal satisfaction to see my students realising their professional aspirations after I’ve supported them in achieving their educational goals.
What is one piece of advice you would give to your online students?
Studying is one of the best things you can do to invest in yourself, your skills and your career. If you’ve decided to make the commitment to study online, make sure you’re prepared to put aside the necessary time to do so.
“Online study isn’t easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is!”
If you’re ready to invest in yourself and boost your career by studying online with Monash, contact our course consultants today or begin your application online.